
Friday, November 11, 2005

T.G.I.F. :O)

Results from yesterday

Points Allowed: 20
Points Used: 15
Points Allowed this Week: 140
Total Used: 62.5
Exercise: 35 minutes walking + dancing at Folk Dancing evening

Folk dancing was a lot of fun last night. The children did their dances and then included the parents and extras as well. C2 had me up dancing a few times - I even had to do the Macarana! BF did it too and thought he was going to put a hip out!

C2 is fortunate that he goes to a small rural school (with only about 60 children). Incidences of bullying are fairly rare (although C2 did used to get bullied quite a bit), there are fewer children so teachers can keep eye on the children more and the children do tend to get on very well. Unfortunately there are, as in every school, some children that you wish would just disappear!

C2 came rushing home other day to tell me that one of the boys has been suspended (this never happens - even when a group of children sat in the playground, drunk alcohol and looked at pornography the children were only 'exlcuded from playtime' for a week). Apparently as they were walking back from folk dance lessons a boy rushed up and hit one of C2's friends in the face. Luckily the child did not get his jaw broken as apparently a fair whack and his face is still swollen. The darling little child who did this did get suspended for three days. So suspension sounds like a good idea in most cases - but the boys father was a bully at school so I doubt that the Dad is going to do much. The child is probably at home playing on his playstation and thinking it is the best reward for bad behaviour ever!

I am hoping to corner BF to have a wee chat with him this weekend although I know it is not going to go down well. Since C1 has started living with us my work load seems to have quadrupled (sp!) and it is starting to wear me down. I know that men in general are hard to train but I am going to try. I told BF this morning (while I was doing the dishes) that even though I am getting up earlier and earlier in the mornings I am still constantly running behind as I am trying to do dishes, washing, house work etc. He turned around and said that he is always running late also. I asked him why? 'cos I have to have a shower, get dressed and have breakfast and I am always sleeping in'. BF very lucky Nancy was not washing knives at that point.
While I don't mind doing housework, washing etc it would be nice to get a bit more help from BF and I do think that because we both work full time that the housework should be shared out equally or even just more fairly. So am going to discuss this with him and write a list of the chores that we think each person should do. Unfortunately for C1 and C2 I am also going to start giving them more jobs to do around the place as well. Wish me luck.

No I haven't forgotten my weigh in results for today:

Start Weight: 95kgs
Last Weeks Weight: 75kgs
This Weeks Weight: 74.2kgs
Lose of: 800grams
Left To lose Before Xmas: 4.3
Weeks Left: 6
Average Weight Loss Needed: 700grams

I am really pleased. All my hard work has paid off with a good loss (well good compared to my losses lately). Am going to work hard again this week - am not having a free day like I normally do on Fridays and am determined to have a postive, on track weekend.

The 60s are so close baby! Groovey!




Blogger Suzy said...

Well done on the great loss!

I agree, housework should be shared when you are both working.

I hate bullying. I only found out from someone else's father that my son (who was shorter than the other boys at the time) was having his head pushed into a locker each day at school. He didn't tell us himself - he was just really quiet and unhappy and we didn't know why. I went to the school and it was sorted out thank goodness. Now he is a big strong man with a good job and good morals and the bully didn't turn out well at all. It is such a shame that a minority can cause so many problems.

2:00 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Poor BF, how does he fit it all in.. lol.

It's good for kids to help around the house. I worked with ppl in their late 20s who didn't even know how to operate a washing machine... you gotta wonder what their parents are thinking!

Congrats on the loss :D

4:01 PM  
Blogger Me said...

Have to agree with you on sharing the chores if you both work full time. Since we got married we have done that and while MIL is horrified that her son cleans, uses the washing machine and the dishwasher and cooks - I said why should I have to do it all. K is 13 and she has her set chores to do around the house - am sure she would have liked a baby brother or sister that she could have bossed around and shared the chores with but - too bad, so sad - she is an only child and so has to do all the chores the kids would do - empty the dishwasher and the bins and fill the cold drinks into the outside fridge - it's a hard life being a 13 year old !!
Have a great weekend and good luck with the training - another reason to hang on to my husband - I couldn't bear the thought of having to train someone else !!

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI! - I read your comment on Karen's blog about Low Point Chippies and I would like to suggest you try 'Trident Rice Chips'. They are in a container similar to Pringles and can be found in the chip isle at Safeway's. I think they are about 5 points per pack = 2 packs per container. (pls double check) and i highly suggest the Salt and Vinegar, it has a great strong flavour! and my best friend suggests the Sour Cream & Chive (At least I think thats the one she likes? LOL)
Hope that helps! I know they work for me!

5:25 PM  
Blogger Kt said...

lol @ the knives comment...yes it harder to get men into better habits but women just seem to adapt!
welldone on the loss!

3:46 PM  
Blogger Margaret said...

Congratulations on your loss Nancy. That is fantastic.

Both DH and I work full time and at the moment DH only has to take the garbage out. And whilst I don't mind doing the lions share what really annoys me is when I get it thrown in my face like "we were late because you had to make the beds before we left" wtf?? But all is forgiven now seeing as he has spoilt me rotten LOL

I hope your talk goes well because you don't need to worry so much about this.

Hope you are having a great day :)

6:29 PM  
Blogger Sue said...

Great loss this week! We're pretty well organised with our housework sharing. I do the shopping and the cooking, Mark does most of the washing, rubbish etc. Jake has been expected to do chores since he was quite young - starting with easy stuff like feeding the dog, moving on to making his bed, tidying his room, etc. He's been doing his own washing (including his bed-linen) since he was nine. He now does all the household cleaning as a paid job - I've always had cleaners anyway. Lucky me - no cleaning to do!

8:51 PM  
Blogger Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Well done on your loss, and sorry I am a few days behind!

Hope the housework-sharing discussion went well, a necessary evil from the sound of things. A couple of people have hinted at it, but as kids we didn't get our pocket-money if we hadn't done our weekly chores (vacuuming, unpacking dishwasher, tidying bedroom etc).

Now that I think about it, we got off very lightly, and I only wish I had been forced to be more involved with the cooking as well, as I had never had to do it until I went flatting and that is what led me on the path to takeaways!!!

12:30 PM  
Blogger philippa_moore said...

Well done on the excellent loss Nancy.

Had to laugh at the knives comment! Hope the talk went well.

Take care, have a great week :)

1:03 PM  
Blogger Julie's Journey said...

What a good loss for this week. I can hear the 60s calling you.

Bullying is insidious and happens everywhere. When it happens to our children it is doubly hard.

It doesnt hurt for children to help around the house and garden though it gets harder as they get older.

12:21 PM  

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