
Monday, January 22, 2007

Results Week 1

Weight last week: 82.4 kgs
Weight this week: 80.2 kgs
This week: 2.2 kg loss!
Total lost this year: 2.2kgs

I am stoked. Like I said earlier I haven't been 100% on track but I really pleased with how this week has gone. I am starting to get back into the swing of things again. My walking has increased. My fruit/vege intake has trebled! I am feeling great.

Bring on next week cos I am aiming to be back in the 70s!



Sunday, January 21, 2007

Being self-sufficent

Lately BF and I have been watching the Real Good Life. About Britains taking their little bit of back yard, taking a year off from their high paid jobs and learning to live with the land.

BF and I love that idea. But tonight we have had to concede that we have children and no matter how much silver beet we grow and sell we would still not have enough money to fund C1 or C2 school camps .. or pay for their school shoes .. or even give them their pocket money. Let alone finding enough to give treats/presents/necessities to C3, C4, C5, C6 or even C7 (we have 7 children btwn us ... only 1 is biologically mine).

However we do want to become self sufficient with what we eat. In June we moved to a small farm .. we now have 5 cattle, 2 pigs (you met them last time) and two huge vegetable gardens. BF is really really keen to eat our own animals ... personally I think that I really love Daisy, Zulu, Asterix, Articuno, Archibull (cattle), and Priscilla Queen of the Paddock and Petunia (my baby pigs) enough without starting to serve them on the dinner table BUT I am starting to see BF's point. Meat costs so much ... we need to start doing this. As a vegetarian for 17 years I am going to find this really tough .. but it needs to be done.

On the vegetable side tonight we ate our own brocolli, baby carrots and baby peas. Even though I was a vegetarian for so many years (the first 16 of my life) I am not particularly fond of vegetables (go figure). Tonight I ate them. They are home grown, organic and absolutely beautiful. I ate them first before touching anything else (with no cheese sauce!). We still have our own cauliflower, cabbage, pumpkins, potatoes, sweet corn, onions and parnsips in the garden growing.

It may not be 100% self sufficient but it is fucking fantastic!

Another thing that farm life brings is uncountable exercise. If I talk about weight loss exercise I mean purposely walking or doing weights. I am now living on a farm. I do not count moving fences, movin gates, weeding gardens, digging out gorse, chasing cattle, moving pigs, driving the tractor, doing firewood, helping BF in the shed as exercise. But it must be!

I love farm life. I love the weekends. Spending time in my gumboots, grotty old jeans and tshirts. Not worrying about putting on make up, doing my hair. Not worrying about what other people think.

BF and I are living our dream!



Saturday, January 20, 2007

Michael Stripe

If I wasn't taken I would go for him... he sings a song that I have in my head alot .. (maybe, just maybe cos my head is always plugged into my Ipod which has that song on it??!!????!) ... it is called 'Walk Unafraid'

This week I have started walking unafraid.

For the last few months I have been very afraid that my weight loss was coming undone rapidy (well it did a bit .. like 7kgs worth!) .. now I am not. I have the feeling back again that I can do this.

I haven't been the perfect example of a weight loss thing this week but I think I have given it a good shot! I am very proud that I have got up at 5 -5.30 am two mornings in a row and walked for around an hour each time.

I have eaten so many vegetables and so much fruit. I can see my eating patterns change again. I have steared away from a lot of junk food. I have turned down junk food. On the occassions that I have eaten it I have not eaten ALL of it. That has to be a good start.

... "How can I Be
What I want to be?
When all I what to do is strip away
These stilled constraints
Shred this sad masquerade
I don't need no persuading
I'll trip, fall, pick myself up
and Walk unafraid
I'll be clumsy instead
Hold me love me or leave me high"

Walk unafraid .. REM


Thursday, January 18, 2007

oh Dear

Mixture of good news and bad news today on the fat front.

I did get up @ 5.30 this morning and went for a 50 minute. I was so proud of myself. I even included a small amount of jogging which felt wonderful. It was four powerpoles. I measured it on the way home ... and only 300 metres! Oh dear!

I didn't track today. I used well over my points. Oh dear!

But I did not eat as much as normal. Had a much smaller lunch and again even though I knew I was over my points I had a much smaller tea. Oh dear!

I am kinda proud though. My patterns are changing. I hope.

I have an excuse .. don't I always. I think something is 'going down' with one of BF's children. I don't wanna say what. But it could change a lot of things. Past experience tells me it is not good and not going to be easy. Part of me says 'bring it on I love a challenge'. Time will tell. I am stressed, mine mind is running flat knacker but I am doing ok .. touch wood.

I decided instead of having a full 10000000 word 2006 update I would tell you something each entry to break it up a bit.

ummm .. not sure what I want to tell you first .... ok just cos we haven't had photos for a while I will introduce you to our new additions to the whanau....

These are my babies .. Petunia in the top photo and Priscilla at the bottom. I love them. Pigs (believe it or not) are a pet I have always wanted .. ok not such a pet cos in a few months they will be bacon *sniff* but I adore them. I find it so benefical going down and chatting to them every day.

But beware! They may have looked cute in that photo (their first ones!) but they can run .. entirely different story. They also smell terrible somedays, they slober all over you, there table manners are disgusting .. so just the same as BF really :-)



Wednesday, January 17, 2007

*knock knock* *taps foot* hellllooooooooooo? anyone there?????

... wow I have become extinct in blogland *sniff*

I can't believe I haven't updated since July! Eeek!

.. I have a good excuse .. I have just been sooo busy dieting, and religiously doing exercises. I have passed up all the tempting food offered to me over the Xmas period. I have not had a drop of alcohol because it is bad for my health. I ate carrot sticks and celery while the rest of the family munched on glazed ham and pavlova on Xmas day. I am now looking so slim and so toned by life is complete ... think Nicole Riche size ...


Ever since I came back from overseas I have been eating everything in sight, I have hardly exercised for fitness or for weight loss. I am a big fat hippopotamus. My clothes are back in the I-am-way-to-fat-to-wear-that-pile. Ugh.

My scales glare at me in the bathroom every morning. They are daring me to stand on them and ruin my day. Damn numbers. Damn being fat. Damn bad food that tastes sooo good! Damn clothes that I once loved that I now hate cos they show off how much weight I have gained. Damn my flabby arms, wide butt and flabby stomach. Damn Damn Damn

*smiles sweetly*

Now that that is all out of my system .. time Fatter-than-last-time Nancy got back on track.

This week is the turning point. I am getting back into the swing of it. Here are my stats *blushs* (so embarrassed)L

Current weight 82.4 *gulp* (remember I was in low 70s last year :-( )
Goal 65-69
Weight to lose .. umm a lot! Again!

So I am now tracking, counting and walking and how do I feel? Much better thanks for asking. I love the feeling of being back into it. I have lost around a kilo this week already and feel so much nicer for it. I wish I could bottle this feeling then I could be millionaire!

oopss better go .. having a nice early night cos I am going to try and go walking before work tomorrow .. scary stuff!


PS Big 2006 update next time! warning! very lengthy

PSS missed this
