12 Movies I Like
- Good Will Hunting
- Great Expectations
- The English Patient
- The Mask of Zorro
- Minority Report
- Equilibrium
- Shrek
- Shrek II
- Emperors New Groove
- Bourne Identity
- Bourne Supremacy
- REM - LIVE (anything - not really a movie but this is my list so I will add it!)
11 Bands I Like
- REM!
- Green Day
- Pearl Jam
- Dave Dobbyn
- Matchbox 20
- Bic Runga
- Queen
- Collective Soul
- The Beatles
- Christina
- Eminem
10 Things About Me
- I had C2 when I was 16 years old
- I was the first girl in my school to not only continue at school while I was pregnant but also carried on at school after I had C2. In fact I was at school the day before having him and returned to school a week later to sit exams (which I passed)
- I was a stict vegetarian until I was 15. My parents still don't eat meat.
- I have 3/4 of a psychology degree but still can't figure BF out!
- I have been engaged before but broke it off
- I was born in Auckland but my was born in Africa and my mother in Faukland Islands
- I have never met any relatives on my fathers side of the family
- I have never smoked before ever, nor taken drugs - people that take drugs give me the shits!
- I am going to weigh under 70 kilos!
- I am going to be with my BF for the rest of my life
9 Good Friends
- BF
- C2
- Ryan - great friend in Australia :o)
- My Mum and Dad
- Liz
- Nicola
- Bon
- Kerri
- all my friends in Blogland :o)
8 Foods I Like
- tomatoes
- chicken enchiladas (sp!)
- beer - cold cold beer on a hot hot day :o)
- salt and vinegar chips
- fresh strawberries (my latest craze)
- bananas
- roast pork/beef
- hot chips (my down fall!)
7 Things I Wear Daily
- deoderant!
- love heart paua necklace
- underwear!
- bracelets
- shoes of some description
- hair tie/hair clip
- clothes of some description
6 Things I Hate
- You guys know this one! Parents who split up and then forever use the children to get back at their ex. I hate it. It hurts the children and makes life so much more difficult for everyone involved
- People in the supermarket who stop to have a long catch up with a friend in the middle of the aisle! They don't budge so you end up having to go round them (as in down other aisles!)
- Domestic violence
- Cruelty to animals
- Cruelty to children
- When people get into my personal space - Hate that .... I am ain't close to you don't get in my face!
5 Things I Do Daily
- Kiss BF goodbye
- Tell C2 I love him
- Check my emails
- Shower!
- Obsess about food (what I am eating, what I ate yesterday which I shouldn't have, what I am going to eat today, what I shouldn't eat today)
4 Shows I Watch
- uuummmmmmmmm ... don't watch TV! I catch the news when I remember
- into Fat Familys at the moment but can't watch it because now I have a social life (4 weekends in a row and can't work the video to record it!)
- CSI with BF - he loves that show
- daytime soaps if I am at home and can't be bothered doing anything
3 Places I Have Lived
2 Things I Want
- To be happy and content
- For my child and step children to grow up and be happy, productive and live long lives
1 Person I Want to See Right Now
- BF - he has gone away for the night for the second time in nearly four years. He has been gone for 30 minutes and I miss him already
There you go - finally did it! Yay for me.
When I adopted my BF from his ex-wife's house (or brained washed him if you listen to her version) he came with many things. Lots of socks and underpants (which 4 years later he is still wearing), lots of debts (another story all together) but no personal papers etc. We have since had C1 living with us. He came with no socks, underpants or personal papers! Since we are buying airline tickets and sorting passports out we thought it was about time we organised birth certificates for them. We knew C1 had a middle name but weren't sure if the name actually made it on to the birth cert and were concerned that the passports wouldn't match his birth cert and then the tickets wouldn't match the passport (apparently they all have to match). My mother and I had a joke with BF, who has no middle name, that it would actually turn out that he did have more names (I have 2 middle names and he finds that rather amusing!).
We shouldn't have joked. C1's birth certificate was fine. BF doesn't have a middle name but he actually has a different surname! WTF! He has been married, has had a mortgage, loans, a drivers licence etc and has had all of them under a surname that wasn't his! Apparently his mother and father never married but she just used BF's fathers name and obviously just passed it on to the children! Now to get a passport under the name that BF has been using for 36 years we have to get proof that he has always used it! Great!
After the problem with BF's ex-wife the other weekend she has gone back to the lawyers to change the access agreement as she thinks it is not working! BF and I are both certain that she will include things her partner can do with BF's daughter and list all the things I can't do. BF has already figured out she is just trying to be difficult and that he won't sign it. Will be interesting to see what she has actually put in it. Will keep you posted.
Mum and I have booked a day off in a couple of weeks to go dress shopping again. We have all of one dress shop in the town that I live (that deals with actually dressy dresses). Shot down with Mum and BF yesterday to have a quick look. Fat Nancy had definately left the building at that stage - I went down some months ago to have a look and didn't try any on. I was scared that they only went up to a size 18 and that I would be too big for them so I didn't bother. Yesterday I tried on some. They were size 12s! and one of them Mum didn't like because it was too big in places! What the hell has happened to me!? Mum sent me an email today to tell me how proud she is off me :O)
C1 and C2 are both off school today - C1 has gone to a friends house and C2 is keeping BF company at work. C2 did the strangest thing the other night. He is a really neat cool kid - never ever stops talking and is always so full of nrg. BF and I were actually watching TV (which never really happens) and C2 came into the room, didn't say a word (which told us something odd was happening), went to the TV and started fiddling with the buttons on it! We asked him what he was doing, he looked at us, tried to turn the TV off and then walked back to bed. I went and checked on him and he was sound asleep! I told his non-biological nana last night and she laughed. C2 stays with her over night once a week and the other morning C2 told non-bio grandad that he woke up and heard grandad snoring. Grandad wanted to know why C2 thought it was him and not nana. C2 said 'I knew that Nana wouldn't be able to snore that loud' Oops!
Results from yesterday
Points Allowed: 20
Points Used: 15
Points Allowed this Week: 140
Total Used: 62.5
Exercise: 35 minutes walking + dancing at Folk Dancing evening
Folk dancing was a lot of fun last night. The children did their dances and then included the parents and extras as well. C2 had me up dancing a few times - I even had to do the Macarana! BF did it too and thought he was going to put a hip out!
C2 is fortunate that he goes to a small rural school (with only about 60 children). Incidences of bullying are fairly rare (although C2 did used to get bullied quite a bit), there are fewer children so teachers can keep eye on the children more and the children do tend to get on very well. Unfortunately there are, as in every school, some children that you wish would just disappear! C2 came rushing home other day to tell me that one of the boys has been suspended (this never happens - even when a group of children sat in the playground, drunk alcohol and looked at pornography the children were only 'exlcuded from playtime' for a week). Apparently as they were walking back from folk dance lessons a boy rushed up and hit one of C2's friends in the face. Luckily the child did not get his jaw broken as apparently a fair whack and his face is still swollen. The darling little child who did this did get suspended for three days. So suspension sounds like a good idea in most cases - but the boys father was a bully at school so I doubt that the Dad is going to do much. The child is probably at home playing on his playstation and thinking it is the best reward for bad behaviour ever!I am hoping to corner BF to have a wee chat with him this weekend although I know it is not going to go down well. Since C1 has started living with us my work load seems to have quadrupled (sp!) and it is starting to wear me down. I know that men in general are hard to train but I am going to try. I told BF this morning (while I was doing the dishes) that even though I am getting up earlier and earlier in the mornings I am still constantly running behind as I am trying to do dishes, washing, house work etc. He turned around and said that he is always running late also. I asked him why? 'cos I have to have a shower, get dressed and have breakfast and I am always sleeping in'. BF very lucky Nancy was not washing knives at that point. While I don't mind doing housework, washing etc it would be nice to get a bit more help from BF and I do think that because we both work full time that the housework should be shared out equally or even just more fairly. So am going to discuss this with him and write a list of the chores that we think each person should do. Unfortunately for C1 and C2 I am also going to start giving them more jobs to do around the place as well. Wish me luck.No I haven't forgotten my weigh in results for today:Start Weight: 95kgsLast Weeks Weight: 75kgsThis Weeks Weight: 74.2kgsLose of: 800gramsLeft To lose Before Xmas: 4.3Weeks Left: 6Average Weight Loss Needed: 700gramsI am really pleased. All my hard work has paid off with a good loss (well good compared to my losses lately). Am going to work hard again this week - am not having a free day like I normally do on Fridays and am determined to have a postive, on track weekend.The 60s are so close baby! Groovey!xx
Feeling so cheerful today.Thanks for all the comments lately guys. Sorry I haven't got around to reading and commenting on everyones blogs lately but I have actually been having to do lots of work at work and it is very stressful :O)Anyway went to a stupid travel expo last night. It suxed. I want money off my ticket not $400 extra free for hotels if I spend $1000 on hotels. Not a whole $50 off a ticket to Italy. I didn't even want their free food and alcohol! (although in hindsight not sure why I turned that down). So we ended up staying there for about 1/2 hour and went back to Mum and Dad's place to work out a game plan. Today (this is why I am so excited) we rung and booked our tickets. We know have dates, times and know where stop overs are etc. I can't wait. It really has brought home the fact that I am going overseas next year!Sad news though today :o( BF was talking to my ex workmate who has cancer. Not looking good. If he has no treatment he has 3 months to live. If he does he has max of 13 months. I cried. The poor guy is gone from being so active about a month ago to only be able to work half days (if that) and not being able to walk around the block. His daughter has just given birth to his very first grandbaby and now he is not even sure he is going to make it to his 1st birthday party :o(Anyway ... results from yesterday:Points Allowed: 20Points Used: 15 1/2Points Allowed This Week: 140Total Points Used: 28 1/2Exercise: 3 x 10 minute walks during breaks at workNot as much exercise as I wanted to do so got up early and went for an hour walk before work. Have another hour walk planned tonight while C2 is at tai kwon do.Thanks for the advice re low point days. I am just really trying to get back into following points and unfortunately if I am not strict on myself I eat far to much. I find it much easier to use only 15 points a day than use 20 (dunno why). Today I am going to finish on 19 points which is better :o)Best go and do more work! and then head out for my walkxx
Very quick post today as very busy at work! Not used to it obviously!Results from yesterday:Points Allowed: 20Points Used: 13Points Allowed This Week: 140Total Used: 13Exercise: 2 x 10 minute walks during tea breaks, 1 hour walk in evening, 1/2 tennis with C1 and C2Ok so it was a bit low but felt very full yesterday. Looks like I will be having another low points day today. Really want to have a big lose this week so am really trying to stick to my points and leave some spare for the end of the week if I feel like a treat. Exercise is doing not too badly so far either. Tennis was lots of fun last night and didn't feel like exercise at all. Have an hour left of work and then off to a travel expo with my parents. Must be time soon to buy tickets for next year. How exciting! Will then rush home and try and fit in another 1 hour walk tonight. Really really want to see the magical 74.XX this FridayWish me luck!xxNancy on a Mission :o)
Went round to Mum and Dads on way to work to say final goodbye (very teary goodbye I might add) to Jack this morning. BF has been giving me Jack updates all morning at work - he went to the sale yards this morning and did in fact get sold. The good (ish) news is that he wasn't bought by the freezing works - was actually bought by a farmer so looks as though, while he won't be at our farm, he will live to see another day! We are quite happy with that (although obviously sad to see him go). BF went to talk to Jack after the sale to say goodbye - apparently got a few strange looks from the other farmers!BF and I have decided on a lemon tree for Jack and will be planting it at Mum and Dad's (soon to be our) house. Had a case of the Monday blues today. Not only cos of Jack but also am so tired. BF has decided that snoring is his new favourite hobby so the last two nights I have jumped ship and ended up sleeping on the couch. I hate it - BF wakes up grumpy cos I am not there, I wake up tired so not a good start to the day. Have also been a bit stressed lately - Xmas is coming up so fast and while I am more prepared than other years I still have so many things to pay for before December plus we have been invited to so social events over the next couple of weeks which will use a bit more money. My weight loss hasn't been going according to plan which has been leaving me rather frustrated! I really just need to stop spending money on my new hobby .. well if BF can take one up so can I .. I love shopping! Have been buying so many new clothes lately it is not funny! I have never been a huge shopper and BF always considered himself quite lucky in that regard but now there are so many cool, summery, girly clothes that actually fit me! I need them all. I have to show off my new body! Hehe!So today I have officially relaunched my weight loss journey. I need to follow M's lead and put on my determined hat! Everyone seems to be posting fantastic loses and I am not - obviously because I am only putting 25% in to this and everyone else is putting far more into it than me! Hmm.... would have a lot to do with it eh! I have followed points today, still have heaps left over for tea, have planned a walk this evening (and am going to push myself to actually do it). I am going to try and have a few low days this week to kick start my body and then increase back to 20. I am going to get to the 60s by Xmas: Current Weight: 75kgsGoal Before Xmas: 69.9kgsLeft to Lose: 5.1kgsWeigh in Days Left: 7Weekly Average Loss Needed: 720gramsWay achievable. I know when I get stuck I can lose weight rather quickly. 100% effort is all that is needed.100% ..... imagine being a 60s Nancy at Xmas. I can handle that ....... :o)xx

Brilliant plan .. get boys out Star Wars from video shop and have two hours peace and quiet on Sunday evening! Excellent. I am so not a Star Wars fan .. ok maybe if they had Johnny Depp or Matt Damon in it I could be tempted but it doesn't so would rather watch paint dry! Gives me a great chance to catch up on the goss in blogland and update mine!Friday evening cleared up amazingly so ended up taking the boys to the fire works display. Lovely warm evening and great fireworks. C1 went there for ATC (Air Training Corps) and helped out directing traffic and being runners for the stalls. C2 brought himself a blow up hammer so was went off with a friend to bang everyone they knew over the head with their hammers. BF and I were essentially child free so walked around and chatted to people and enjoyed some time out which was great.BF had to go to work for an hour on Saturday morning. No problem! Not. His youngest daughter comes to our place for access every Saturday so BF planned to be back before she turned up. His ex wife rung early, barked down the phone that she wanted to speak to BF. Told her he was at work. She got snitchy and asked where she was supposed to drop daughter off. I told her that BF would be home soon so here would be fine .. reply 'Well Nancy you know I couldn't possibly do that'. Ex-wife came out here with daughter and sat in her car - daughter was all ready to get out of car but ex-wife decided she would park out on my drive way and wait for BF. She tried to have a go at me and I told her that I didn't expect to be spoken to like that at my own house and told her that I would be fine with daughter. She refused so I suggested she just go. Ex-wife sat in drive way for a few minutes and then left with daughter! She then tried ringing BF 16 times (I kid you not) and then drove to his work and sat waiting for him. BF was already home at that stage anyway!BF rung her later and reminded her that her partner is allowed to have daughter by himself so he couldn't see a problem with me having her for 10 minutes. Ex-wife tried to tell BF that daughter was crying in car and wouldn't get out. BF told her she was full of shit and that she shouldn't make daughter suffer because ex wife doesn't like me. It was so frustrating. Time and time again his exs (two of them) make the children suffer to get back at us. While it upsets us the children get hurt more. Both the exs should grow up and encourage the children to have a healthy relationship with both BF and myself. As much as it pisses them off BF and I are planning on being together for the rest of our lives so they are just going to have to get used to it. The thing I do find funny is that they both think that BF is stupid and that they can pull the wool over his eyes. He is wising up to them and gaining so much more confidence so he is no longer sitting back and apologising to them. Ex-wife for example thinks she knows how to wind him up (so he loses his temper and looks like an asshole) .. he now either ignores the comments or tells her they have nothing to do with the current problem. It is so nice to listen to and I am very proud of him for that. I have been overeating to day. Emotional eating. You may have guessed the BF and I are huge cow fans and adore our wee cow family. We have had Jack for three years now and bottle fed him when he was a calf. He may have wonky horns (and usually grass hanging off at least one of them), and he may always have dirty knees. He may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer and he didn't impress us went he went through he fence jumping stage. But he is our Jack and we love him. We both feel terrible that tomorrow we are sending him to the sale yards. It was our decision to send him now and it was a hard one to make but for many reasons it is his time to go. So today we had to go to my parents house and say goodbye to him. He sat in the grass eating and I cried. He walked down the paddock to see the other cattle and I called his name out. He turned around to look at me and I waved goodbye. I feel like a complete asshole!Love you Jack. RIP.PS I told BF that I am going to buy a tree and plant it in the garden (at my parents house as we will be moving there next year) as a memorial to Jack. Some place that I can go talk to him and tell him how sorry I am.
Start weight: 95kgsLast weeks weight: 75.2This weeks weight: 75kgsLoss this week: 200gramsOk so am I happy? I wanted to get under 75kgs this week and I am sitting straight bang on it. It was a loss so I have to be happy with that but I so wanted to be under 75kgs. It is so frustrating especially seeing I have been seeing the magic 74.X numbers on the scales this week. Oh well next week is another week!I have received some nice compliments this week which is great. A guy at my old work saw me the other day and he told BF that he didn't recognise me at first. Oh shucks! And today a lady (who I don't get on with that well) stopped me to tell me how good I am looking and asked me how I did it, how much more I have got to lose etc. She then went and told me about her weight loss history .... strange! I must admit today though I am actually wearing jeans that fit me and a tight jersey and I do look very slim! Woke up nice and early to go for a walk and it was raining. Wtf?! It has been beautiful all week but I have been too lazy to get out of bed on time - the morning I am keen it is raining. Fingers crossed it stops this afternoon because we were planning on taking the boys to a fire works show tonight. That is all for today really. I am sure I will pass the 75s next weigh in .... but as promised I will be changing my name today ... Fat Nancy no longerxx
Have been feeling kinda glum over the last few weeks and have been finding it difficult to muster any enthusiasm over anything. Not just my weight loss.I had a day off yesterday which seems to have done the trick. I spring cleaned the house, got all the washing up to date and even lay in the sun with my book and went for a nap. Today I feel a lot better. It is so easy to stop smelling the roses and to fail to notice all the good things that are happening in your own wee world. I suppose we are, from time to time, caught up with all the stresses that arise from raising a family, being in a relationship, working and trying to lose weight etc that we forget to notice all the nice things that are happening.I went for a walk this morning for 10 minutes this morning in my break time. It is obviously quick a short walk but I go over a bridge, down a path with a park on one side and a creek on the other, past the hospital and down the main street. This morning it was beautifully warm with a nice breeze and as I was walking I started to smell the roses again. The willows trees along the creek are now totally covered with new green leaves, the park is covered in daisys and there were ducks swimming along the water. I could have walked all day. How could I not gain some enthusiasm after that. To complete my walk I walked down the main street and even managed to do the mirror whore thing in the shop windows. I now feel great!I have come so far on this. The scales are looking positive for a loss tomorrow and I am a third of the way through this. For my last 10 and a bit kilos I am going to focus on three things:1) eating well and sticking to my points (obviously)2) focus on toning my wobbly little body 3) learn to accept the body that I haveI have got an exercise plan to do as well as continuing walking and I made a start on that last night. Today I know I have thighs! Ow!So many things to do today. Pay day so have to scoot around town and pay my bills, doing the groceries after work and then try and squeeze in some more toning exercise and a walk tonight. Phew!Had better carry on doing work!xxPS please positive think for my poor wee cat today! Jo is long haired and very tangly. We have got sick of trying to groom her ourselves (as she gets very pissed off rather quickly) so Jo Fluff is taking a trip to the vet today to get knocked out and shaved! Poor thing!
*yawn* *bored**sigh*hhmmmmm.... not really much to say today guys ... haven't updated for a while cos I had to work all weekend (6.45 am until 4.30 Saturday and Sunday). Was working on a new queue for work and it was so boring it was unbelievable - we sometimes had gaps of two hours while there were no calls. Luckily I don't have to do that for another 5 weeks! And double lucky - I have 3 big social events coming up (that we know of so far) btwn now and Christmas and I don't have to work on any of those weekends.I have tomorrow off to make up for my weekend (hmm one day this week for two over the weekend) and I will have the house to myself. I am so looking forward to it. I do love the boys but will be so nice to be able to just think about myself (and the housework) for a whole day! Am planning on sleeping in, going for a big walk along the beach (weather permitting) and then doing some swiss ball and weights exercises at home. Mix that it with some boring soap watching, loads of washing and my day will be complete.I am contemplating going to some classes at the gym - there are a few good ones I think and it may kick start my weight loss again. My mother has started coming for walks with me when C2 is at tai kwon do. Apart from her complaining that I walk to fast it is very nice to have some company!Have stuck to points for the last two days but haven't being making the best food choices. Had hot chips for lunch today with the BF in the sun so am planning on having salad and maybe pork steak tonight (or I might try and create some chicken kebabs). No other excitements really ..... except ... I had my official "I will get my ticket to Italy paid for if I get under 75kgs by 1st of November" weigh in today. Luckily I was able to use my old dial scales which I have used for the majority of this weight loss journey. Rushed around to my parents at 6.30 in the morning, dressed in my frog pjamas and Mum, Dad and I crowded round in their bathroom to see the results. 73.5kgs! (remember my new electronic ones weigh heavier). Yay for me. I thanked them .. picked up my scales and took me and my pjs back home to have a shower. The last thing I heard before I left their place was my mum telling dad that he 'had better start doing some bloody overtime'. Thanks Mum and Dad!go mexx